Long time ago in Japan, an ultimate method was established in which motion and consciousness were simplified to their limit through deadly battle.
These are ancient martial arts.

古武術 What is ancient martial arts?
Ancient martial arts were developed before the Meiji period, and the original form of modern martial arts such as “Kendo,” “Judo,” and “Aikido.”

眞空流 What is SHINKU-RYU?
A school of ancient martial arts, which emphasizes “Ki-power ”and “Space.”It was born from integrating various ancient martial arts in order to utilize its techniques in the modern life.
古武術(眞空流)を行う目的 Purpose and benefits to learn the Martial arts, SHINKU-RYU.

SHINKU-RYU is one of the best method to find out and develop your inherent potential.
SHINKU-RYU enables students to improve and deepen the experience of various aspects of sports, business and martial arts, without unnecessary struggle or friction.
SHINKU-RYU is not the martial arts to defeat others but for self-defense, transformation and harmony.
SHINKU-RYU is the best method to understand our original “SOUL” and the ”BODY” as a vessel. It makes them shine.
受講プロセス SHINKU―RYU Lesson Process

- 体験会Trial lesson
- 眞空流初級Basics
- 中級Intermediate
- 上級Advanced
Please apply for our trial lessons highly recommended as the first step to enter.
体験会 Trial
初回5,500yen(First time)
(Second time)
(Up to junior-high school students)
- ※高校大学生3,000yen
(high school and undergraduate students)
- ※3歳以下無料
(under 3 years old free)

学ぶことが出来ます。In this Experience lesson, you can learn
The importance of greetings that even martial artists do not know.
How to control space and consciousness.
What is ki-power and energy, and how to control them?
To acquire true power and movement beyond muscles’ force.
Method to harmonize and unify/unite with the other person.
How to became a stable/secure person
How to establish suppler central axis of the body.
What is the shortest / minimum / effect-maximizing movement?
How to make people love each other naturally and make them smile.
Method to live your life fully, and embody your inner power.
The way to connect to the universe and live in complete liberty.

Please apply for our trial lessons highly recommended as the first step to enter.
体験会 Trial
初回5,500yen(First time)
(Second time)
(Up to junior-high school students)
- ※高校大学生3,000yen
(high school and undergraduate students)
- ※3歳以下無料
(under 3 years old free)
- Q 武道経験がないと参加できませんか?
Are there any requirement for the participants, such as an experience of martial arts?
- A 『静か』で『大きな動きを必要としない』ので、『老若男女』どなたでもご参加可能です。
武道をやった事が無い『初心者の方』から 『武道経験者』まで発見のある、驚くべき内容となっております。武道には珍しく、女性7、男性3と女性参加者の割合が多くなっております。Any people, young-old, men-women can join our class, since the method is in calm manner and does not require big movement.
Participants include pre-school children, school students, business persons, martial artists, professional performers, therapists and over-80 elders.
Female participants are almost 70%, which is unusual for average martial arts classes. - Q 何歳から参加できますか?
Are there any age limit to participate?
- A 内容は中学生以上向けですが、小学生でも可能です。
幼児の方は見学は可能です。Classes are open to children over 6, school age, although the contents are suitable for the people more than a junior high student. Study and observation is permitted for pre-school children.
- Q 服装に制限はありますか?
Are there any clothes requirements?
- A 特に規定はございませんが、動きやすい格好でお越しください。
会社帰りのスーツ姿の方もご参加されています。スカートは御遠慮下さい。No specific rules, but comfortable clothes for exercise are recommended.Business persons in suits after work are participating. Skirts are not recommended though.
- Q 怪我をしていても参加できますか?
- A 見学は可能です。怪我をされている場合は先にお伝えください。
They can observe. Participants must inform and dialog with the leaders of any pre-existing injuries. Please do warm-up exercise to be prepared for the classes and operate in capabilities. Any injuries are not compensable.
- Q 正座ができませんが参加できますか?
Can I participate if I cannot sit straight on the floor?
- A 正座ができない場合は、あぐらで対応しております。
座ることができない場合は、立った部分のみご参加、もしくは見学ください。Yes. You can cope by sitting cross-legged, if straight-sitting is difficult. In case you cannot sit down, you can participate only in standing tactics, or as an observer.
- Q 昇級制度はありますか?
Are there any grading system?
- A まず初級では基本的な礼法と身体操作法をお伝えしています。
そのように、各級、段においても指定技があり、それを修練し、審査して次の級、段となります。詳しくは御参加時に配布させて頂く資料を御確認下さいませ。First grade for the beginners includes primary physical movement and basic greetings. Second grade as our middle level is to be awarded if you pass our exam on ten-specific tactics. Brown belt or white stripes are to be awarded. As such, you will learn variety of specific tactics according to your certified skill level: from primary, middle to Dan grade (Honored Black Belt).
- Q 現在他の流派や武道をやっていますが問題はありますか?
Are there any problems if the student learn in other martial arts technics or schools?
- A 氣や身体の操作法はどの流派、武道においても共通点があり、さらに技が磨かれるかと思います。まずは体験会で御確認下さいませ。
Please join our trial lessons and make contact with the teachers. In general, we think there are several points in common in Ki-power and in various schools. Our position is to support people to learn tactics deeper thorough experience.
- Q 遠方の為に定期的に通えないのですが習得は可能でしょうか?
Is it possible to learn even if I can’t join the classes periodically because of the distance?
- A 現在、日本全国世界を周って指導しており、またインストラクターによる各地方での練習会もあります。映像もありますので、ご自宅でもある程度の習得は可能です。
Master’s classes are given throughout Japan and World-wide. Our instructors’ practice classes are being held on a regular basis in various locations. Instruction videos are also available for self-study regardless of any places such as home.
- Q 開催スケジュールを教えてください。
Please let me know detailed schedule information.
- A こちらをご確認下さい。
Please confirm this.
Please feel free to ask instructers about other questions in the trial classes personally.